We are proud to utilize the Mignon and Harry Shelly Fine Arts Center as a place to display fine arts at Jackson Christian. This facility provides small group space, outdoor performance areas, storage for the theatre department, and a central home for all the fine arts programs.
The choral program is offered to middle school as well as high school students. Students participate in two end of semester concerts, as well as perform in tandem during events throughout the year.
Elementary students participate in music class and perform grade-level musicals for parents once a year. The students also perform for grandparents day and end of year programs as well.
The theatre and drama program is offered to middle school and high school students. Jackson Christian drama typically produces one musical per year, with another play or performance during the opposing semester.
The award-winning Eagles Marching Band hosts members from 6th – 12th grade and performs regularly at home football games, pep rallies, and weekend band competitions.
The concert band program is offered to 6th grade – 12th grade, and performs for parents and students at the end of each semester.
Instrumental students regularly advance to regional honor levels.
Visual art classes are offered to kindergarten through 12th grade. Both elementary and secondary host an art show each year to showcase projects.