Jackson Christian academic crest

Jackson Christian follows State Standards with a Biblical World View in its curriculum.



2-Year-Olds | 3-Year-Olds | Jr. Kindergarten | Kindergarten | Grade 1 | Grade 2 | Grade 3 | Grade 4 | Grade 5


Explore Classes:  Art | Guidance | Library | Music | Physical Education | Spanish | Technology

Elementary Bible Curriculum


The State Departments of Education provides learning goals and standards for educational institutions. The purpose of the standards is to bring alignment and consistency in learning across the state. It is also an attempt to raise the rigor of learning in order to better compete with nations worldwide.


Standards are a valid and worthy attempt to bring rigor and consistency to learning in our state. ACT, the college readiness assessment by which many students and schools are measured, is aligned to state standards. Northwest Evaluation (NWEA) is aligned to our state standards . Consequently, we would be remiss if we did not teach our children these skills while encouraging them to seek college admission.


Jackson Christian curriculum leaders will continue to ensure that our teachers are teaching state standards to the mastery level. The standards will be encompassed by our curriculum in preparation for our students to perform their best on all standardized testing. All Jackson Christian instructors will be expected to teach every standard in accordance with a biblical worldview. If a standard runs contrary to a biblical worldview, it will be altered accordingly.


Jackson Christian employs born-again administrators and faculty who serve as role models in their Christian walk and professional lives. The Bible provides the blueprint for Christian education. It also provides parents and the Christian school with the principles to be taught. The school endeavors to select the best curriculum available.


Classes are taught from a biblical worldview. The entire education process is planned to weave God’s truth into practical Christian living (Prov. 3:5-6.) It is our desire to teach children the skills to be productive citizens and to provide a platform for academic excellence, competitive sports, fine arts, and extra-curricular activities. Most importantly, we desire to foster the students’ relationship with Jesus Christ and encourage attributes that reflect His character.


Everyone has a worldview that is the assimilation of all the pieces of information, ideas, and experiences a person absorbs to form the big picture that contains their values, morals, and beliefs. Biblical worldview integration is all of these pieces of life brought within the understanding of God’s larger frame of reference.


Christian education helps students make the connection between the facts of academics and the broader context of God’s point of view. This connection gives true meaning and significance to those facts of academics. Biblical worldview integration does not happen just because a teacher is a Christian or because the teacher uses academics to illustrate a spiritual truth. Biblical worldview integration is an intentional process. To be equipped for the task of biblical worldview integration, a teacher should have a personal and growing relationship with Jesus Christ, a fundamental knowledge of the biblical worldview, and an understanding of the particular subject matter to be put into the context of the biblical worldview. We are proud of our JCS Teachers and their influence on our children.