Family Fund
Jackson Christian academic crest

The Family Fund is the number one giving priority at Jackson Christian School. It gives us the opportunity to provide the best possible education and extracurricular experience for each student we’re blessed to serve.


Because tuition and fees do not fully cover the Jackson Christian experience, Family Fund gifts are needed to fill in the gaps for all areas of the school.


If you wish to make a direct impact now:


Give to Family Fund




Giving Levels:


Eagle Society ($499 and under)


Blue and White Society ($500 – $999)



JCS Society ($1,000 – $2,499)

  • Night of Thanks – 4 tickets



President’s Society ($2,500 – $4,999)

  • Night of Thanks – 4 tickets, President’s Reception



Legacy Society ($5,000 – $9,999)

  • Night of Thanks – 4 tickets, President’s Reception



Founder’s Society ($10,000+)

  • Night of Thanks – 8 tickets, President’s Reception




Areas Where You May Designate Gifts

  •  Area of Greatest Need
  •  Academics
  •  Athletics
  •  Arts
  •  Financial Aid


Once area goals are met, additional gifts will be applied to the area of greatest need. All pledges are due by May 31, 2025.




Give Now



Office of Advancement
Blake Beckham
V.P. of Advancement & Community Involvement
731-300-4577 –